In the event of an Emergency, DIAL 911 !

Paintsville/Johnson County Communications Center operates 24 hours a day seven days a week and is responsible for answering all 911 and non-emergency calls for the citizens of Paintsville and Johnson County. The citizens of Johnson County are provided quick access to emergency services by the team of 9 personnel. Even though the dispatch has multiple functions, there are two primary job functions within the Communications Center.

1.  Receiving incoming calls. When a telephone call is received by the Center either via 911 or on a non-emergency line, the tele-communicator collects the information from the caller. The information is then prioritized for dispatching.

2.  The Center is equipped with the latest technology in order to maintain the commitment to quality service through the 911 Enhanced System.

In the event of an Emergency, DIAL 911!
911 Addressing Code

Please Post Your Address!

Your address needs to be displayed so that it can be easily seen and read by Police, Fire and Rescue personnel.  It is required that a minimum of three-inch numbers be displayed on the front of all buildings/dwellings.  Two-inch reflective numbers need to be applied on both sides of mailboxes where applicable.  If your structure is not visible from the highway or road, it will be necessary for you to erect a post for the purpose of displaying your new numbers.  This post must be placed near the highway or road on the side where the building is located, and near the driveway/entranceway, so that it can be easily identified by emergency services providers.  Call (606) 789 - 4221 for more information.

Why do I need an E-911 address?

Primarily, to assist emergency services in responding to emergency calls.  An E-911 address helps emergency services to locate residents.  A faster response time can make a significant difference in survival and degree of recovery.  However, E-911 location addresses are also often required for phons service, building permits, drivers license renewal, land titles, loans, mail delivery, insurance and for other purposes requiring a site location.

What is an E-911 address?

An E-911 address is a site location address.  An E-911 address is assigned using a mileage measurement, accurate to 1/100 of a mile, to driveway on a named road.  A 911 standardized measuring system is used.  Measurements start at the south or west end of a through road.  Driveways on the left side of the road are given odd numbers and driveways on the right side of the road are given even numbers.

People placing emergency calls often have difficulty providing their addresses.  Children, visitors, hearing or speech impaired callers, or callers in a life threatening situation, may not be able to provide the address information to dispatchers.  E-911 automatically gives the dispatchers the address, allowing them to send the appropriate fire, medical personnel, or law enforcement, even if the caller is unable to communicate.

How to Properly Display 911 Address

Numbers need to be:

Guidelines for number placement:

When to Dial 911?

An emergency is any situation that requires immediate assistance from the police, fire department or ambulance. Examples include:

If you’re not sure whether the situation is a true emergency, officials recommend calling 911 and letting the call-taker determine whether you need emergency help.

What Information is Needed when I Dial 911?

When you call 911, be prepared to answer the call-taker's questions, which may include:

Remember, the call-taker's questions are important to get the right kind of help to you quickly. Be prepared to follow any instructions the call-taker gives you. Many 911 centers can tell you exactly what to do until help arrives, such as providing step-by-step instructions to aid someone who is choking or needs first aid or CPR. Do not hang up until the call-taker instructs you to do so.